Interface IOrderStatusResponse

IOrderStatusResponse Interface representing the creation of an order.

const order: ICreateOrder = {
id: 535179385,
symbol: "PIXFI_IRT",
type: "limit",
side: "sell",
price: "1956",
stop_price: null,
oco_target_price: null,
base_amount: "63.0",
quote_amount: "123228",
identifier: null,
state: "active",
closed_at: null,
created_at: "2024-07-29T14:07:34.176795+03:30",
dealed_base_amount: "0",
dealed_quote_amount: "0",
req_to_cancel: false,
commission: "1000"
interface IOrderStatusResponse {
    base_amount: `${number}`;
    closed_at: null | string;
    commission: `${number}`;
    created_at: string;
    dealed_base_amount: `${number}`;
    dealed_quote_amount: `${number}`;
    id: number;
    identifier: null | string;
    oco_target_price: null | `${number}`;
    price: `${number}`;
    quote_amount: `${number}`;
    req_to_cancel: false;
    side: OrderSide;
    state: OrderState;
    stop_price: null | `${number}`;
    symbol: `${string}_IRT` | `${string}_USDT`;
    type: OrderType;


base_amount: `${number}`

The amount of the base currency.

closed_at: null | string

The timestamp when the order was closed, if applicable.

commission: `${number}`

The commission for the order.

created_at: string

The timestamp when the order was created.

dealed_base_amount: `${number}`

The amount of the base currency that has been dealt.

dealed_quote_amount: `${number}`

The amount of the quote currency that has been dealt.

id: number
identifier: null | string

The identifier for the order, if applicable.

oco_target_price: null | `${number}`

The OCO target price for the order, if applicable.

price: `${number}`

The price at which the order is placed.

quote_amount: `${number}`

The amount of the quote currency.


Indicates if there is a request to cancel the order.

side: OrderSide

The side of the order (buy or sell).

state: OrderState

The current state of the order.

stop_price: null | `${number}`

The stop price for the order, if applicable.

symbol: `${string}_IRT` | `${string}_USDT`

The symbol of the market.

type: OrderType

The type of the order (e.g., limit, market).