Interface IGetFillsParams

IGetFillsParams Interface representing the parameters for querying fills.

const getFillsParams: IGetFillsParams = {
symbol: "PIXFI_IRT",
side: "buy",
offset: 0,
limit: 10
interface IGetFillsParams {
    limit?: number;
    offset?: number;
    side?: OrderSide;
    symbol?: `${string}_IRT` | `${string}_USDT`;

Hierarchy (view full)


limit?: number

The number of items to return.

offset?: number

The number of items to skip before starting to collect the result set.

side?: OrderSide

The side of the order (buy or sell) to filter the fills.

symbol?: `${string}_IRT` | `${string}_USDT`

The symbol of the market to filter the fills.